BDO Maof

BDO Maof


Maof's Activity for Businesses in the Central Region


BDO Maof Ltd. is a subsidiary of BDO Israel and operates under its consulting division.  The firm is the center area operator for the small and medium-sized business (SMB) agency at the Israel Ministry of Economy and Industry for the Dan Region, after being awarded the Ministry's tender in 2014.  SMB  offers a broad scope of assistance to small and medium sized enterprises in the Israeli economy

Maof's branches in Tel Aviv, Holon and Bneir Braq provide close guidance to entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Dan Region by offering consulting services and business training from the best consultants in the private market.  Thanks to the funding and assistance granted by the SMB agency, the price of our services is  extremely attractive, to encourage enterprises to benefit from them and raise the prospects of their business success.  Maof offers professional guidance to SMB throughout the corporate business life cycle – starting from the professional assessment stage and definition of the venture/business requirements, until formulation of a plan comprising diverse supporting tools on business consulting, funding and credit, professional courses, and more.


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Ori Hacohen

Ori Hacohen

Head of public Operation division, BDO Consulting
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