Golan Oz

Golan Oz

Partner in the Financial Cluster

Banking & Finance



Executive summary

Executive Summary

CPA, partner in the Financial Cluster. Mr. Oz has over 20 years of experience in accounting audit, preparation of financial statements, issuance of shares and debentures, taxation and business consulting.  Mr. Oz specializes in accounting audits, process inspections and the audit of financial systems in banks.  As part of his work, he prepares and analyzes the financial statements of banks, reviews and evaluates internal controls, prepares prospectuses for the issuance of shares and debentures in Israel and in London and guides various sale, merger and acquisition transactions.  Additionally, Mr. Oz manages and guides projects for the implementation of the provisions of Sections 404 and 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.  



Mr. Oz holds a BA in Business Administration and Accounting and an MBA in Finance.