Live Webinar: The Era of Healthcare and Medical Innovations

Live Webinar: The Era of Healthcare and Medical Innovations

June 29, 2020 - CUT



The recent COVID-19 pandemic brought to the front of stage the Medical and Healthcare sectors with many questions, from timing to localities and more. We are proud to host a Live Webinar to address and analyze the challenges and opportunities the market holds today in the Medical Sector. With a multi-layered panel, we will present a macro perspective on the market in a way that Strategy Plans can be adjusted by. Our Panel will include Steven Shill, Head of Global Healthcare Industry at BDO, Bob Sweeny, GP and Managing Director at GHIF, Samantha Nava, Innovation Strategist at TMCI and Aviad Shnaiderman, Co-Founder and CEO at Aura Air.


Monday | 29.06.2020 | 17:00-18:30 | ZOOM