wednesday, 2.5.2018 I Habima Theater I Tel Aviv
The digital world has been controlled in the past decade by a small group of technology giants who within a short time have dismantled the old world order and created an infrastructure for new technological platforms that are bringing about economic, social and cultural changes.
The agenda will focus on the technological platforms whose infrastructure will provide the basis for the upcoming changes and opportunities. Among the subjects to be discussed: the changes in various industries as seen through the prism of the revolution of automatic cars, which is changing our familiar perceptions of time and space and will revolutionize transportation, along with new business models based on the shared economy; cloud technologies that constitute a substantial part of the business activity of all the technology companies but will also introduce new capabilities to the fields of health and insurance; IoT worlds as a platform via which all the devices in the world will communicate with one another, connect people inside their smart homes and smart cities and affect the future of real estate; and artificial intelligence, which will penetrate every possible area of life, from the analysis of marketing data to medical innovations.