June 20th 2018, 9:30-12:45 | 48 Menachem Begin road, Tel Aviv | BDO House, Ground Floor
Crypto Currency, The Next Generation – Special Panel about the Potential, Opportunities and Future of the Blockchain Revolution
Despite the sharp decline of close to 60% of the crypto market during Q1 2018, a record breaking 7 billion dollars was raised through ICOs during this same period. This is in comparison to the 5.6 billion dollars raised during the entirety of 2017, which was considered by many to be "the year of the ICOs" when the value of crypto currencies dramatically increased reaching a record high of over 600 billion dollars.
This phenomenon begs the question: How is it possible that despite the sharp decline of the market at the same time the amounts raised through ICOs is growing to an all-time high? Is the recent recovery during the last few weeks representing the return of the “Wild West” experienced during 2017 or is it representing the emergence of a new stage in the evolution of the crypto market?
If so, what is the next stage of the crypto industry?
We invite you to you join us for a fascinating morning Meet-Up on June 20th 2018, 9:30-12:45 | 48 Menachem Begin Road, Tel Aviv BDO House, Ground Floor
09:30 Networking and Breakfast
10:00 Opening
- Eyal Herzog, Co-founder Bancor
- Jeff Pulver, founder, Security Token Association, Alchemist
10:30 Discussion about the Security Token Revolution
Moderator: Idan miller, CMO, The Elephant
- Daniel Skowronski , Co-CEO, DX.Exchang
- Yotam Amichay , Co-CEO, Hilltop Technologies
- Nimrod May , CMO ,Sirin Labs
- Chaim Schiff , Co-CEO, The Elephant
- Jeff Pulver, founder, Security Token Association, Alchemist
- Samuel Katz, Security token Lawyer
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 The first Tokenized secondary market platform
Nimrod May CMO, Sirin Labs interviews Chaim Schiff, Co- CEO, The Elephant
Chaim Schiff, Co-CEO, The Elephant
12:00 Opportunities, potential applications, and regulatory challenges of STO
Moderator: Eitan Yam, Head of FinTech&Blockchain , BDO
- Tzvika Gross, Technology and Global, BDO
- Youval Rouach, Co-Founder and CEO, Bits of Gold
- Yair Geva, Head of HiTech, HFN
12:45 Q&A and conclusions
.Participation is free of charge, but requires registration in advance
To register fill out the form below: