Banking and Credit

Banking and Credit

Expertise, Experience and Leadership in the Banking and Credit Sector

The banking and credit sector is unique, and requires the relevant expertise and leadership. BDO ISRAEL provides audit and consulting services to leading banking corporations in Israel, and advising several Israeli local branches of foreign banks, both on implementation and audit assignments.
In addition to the local services provided in Israel, BDO ISRAEL also assists international banking corporations with operations overseas and in particular in the United States, Europe and South America, with the full support of the international BDO network.

Our Professional Experience

Due to the increasing and ever-complex regulatory requirements for banking institutions, there has been a growing need for professional and on-going close advisory on matters such as:

  • Risk management (credit, interest, market and liquidity)
  • Adoption of accounting standards
  • Examination of capital requirement (BASEL III)
  • Examination of credit processes (establishment, monitoring, measurement, disclosure on credit quality and allowance for credit losses)
  • Compensation policy
  • Measurement of interest income (FAS 91)
  • Debt sales
  • Reporting for the banking supervision authorities

The financial cluster at BDO ISRAEL has experience and deep understanding in these issues. BDO ISRAEL works closely with a substantial number of leading banking corporations in Israel, both as auditors and as consultants.

Our Services

  • Internal audit of financial reports, including an audit on internal controls
  • Tax advisory
  • Internal audit
  • SOX consulting
  • Risk management advisory (credit, interest, market and liquidity)
  • On-going advisory on various financial and regulatory professional matters
Zvi Shif

Zvi Shif

Partner, Head of the Financial Cluster
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Eitan Yam

Eitan Yam

Partner in the Financial Cluster
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Golan Oz

Golan Oz

Partner in the Financial Cluster
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