AI in Cyber Security detection and response
AI in Cyber Security detection and response
- Threat Detection
- Threat Hunting
- Incident Response
- Threat intelligence
- Alert management
- False positive reduction
- Forensic analysis
- Automation
1. Threat detection
~100 GB logs collected per day to a cloud SIEM.
Collection - 20 unique vendors.
Collection - 75 unique products.
~13,000 incidents created.
~7,800 tickets opened (~5,200 incidents automatically closed or deduplicated).
524 tickets escalated, from which:
106 AI based tickets escalated,
418 Rule based incidents escalated.
AI / ML created the following alert types:
Unfamiliar client properties.
Atypical travel.
Rare operations.
New behavior.
Uncommon process action.
Large upload.
2. Threat Hunting
- Event anomaly
- Indicators of compromise or attack indicators
- Pivoting on a known bad (alert, incident, intelligence)
- Hypothesis investigation
3. Incident Response
4. Threat intelligence
Threat intelligence is the process of identifying and analyzing Cyber threats to output strategic, tactical and operational actions and insights.
Strategic threat intelligence can foresee a trend which may affect a company strategy, while tactical or operational may integrate in security systems to block or detect adversaries.
According to large intelligence vendors, AI is already playing a key role in threat intelligence, some of the predominant use cases are:
Summarizing collected data to human readable insights
Guide security teams on mitigations and next steps
Ranking and scoring files and threats based on AI models
Identifying and Understanding code functions
Translating and normalizing data
Extracting entities from data collected
While some of these applications are behind the scenes for SOC teams, others are directly visible when threat intelligence platforms deliver their outputs.
5. Alert management
For this article we will define alert management as deduplication, suppression and aggregation of multiple alerts or logs into an incident, which reduce SOC alert fatigue dealing with less incidents.
Aggregation: summarizing hundreds or thousands of alerts into a single incident doesn’t necessarily require ML as the attributes for aggregating exist in the logs and the decision to include multiple alerts in an incident can be based on one or (usually) more attributes.
ML and AI assist in creating additional attributes and relationships that are not a part of the original event or alert, allowing potentially more effective aggregation.
Deduplication: although different vendors boast AI based deduplication, the reality is more complicated, simplified example:
During 10 minutes different alerts are triggering from the same IP address, if the IP is a single machine, it makes sense to deduplicate and or aggregate to a single incident, however, if the IP address is a firewall in a segmented environment, these should not be deduplicated as these may well be different, unrelated incidents.
Similarly, alerts stemming from “guest WIFI” connecting to a malicious destination, should not be deduplicated or aggregated with corporate assets from the internal network, accessing the same malicious destination as these alerts may indicate corporate compromise.
Suppressing alerts is similar and also should be taken into account as not to flood the SOC analysts, in order to suppress, the system must understand what the attributes for suppression are, deciding that a common process (like a browser) and a common destination (like a proxy) are basis for alert suppression, may result in missing out on important alerts.
6. False positive reduction
The most common way to reduce false positives is increasing incident confidence and a most common way of boosting confidence is correlation. Correlation in the SOC usually means not creating an incident (or a ticket) until several alerts with a common attribute (usually hostname or IP) trigger in a certain timeframe, adding to the incident fidelity.
What’s not commonly discussed very often is the impact of correlation. The underlying theme of SOC alert correlation is that the SOC is not aware of or addresses alerts that do not reach a certain threshold, these may be crucial and relevant to incident detection but may be missed in “low and slow” attacks.
The decision to correlate has in many cases shifted to the software vendors as modern SIEMs alerting is no longer based just on the operator decision and content created, rather, ML and vendor created content trigger incidents.
One important decision that vendors are making is how to reduce false positives, using ML, vendors can profile assets and behaviors and if “everyone” does it – it must be ok, thus excessive alerts are analyzed and attribute-based analysis can improve incident confidence. For example: if 10% of the assets are accessing a low reputation website but only 1 is using a rarely seen process and uploading data, the SIEM may automatically exclude the common processes from the incident creation. Reaching the same conclusion manually is sometimes possible but cumbersome. In other words, AI / ML can exclude legitimate processes and focus on a single suspicious process that is usually detected only after a human analyst's investigation, reducing analyst effort and false positives. Standard practice, the incident is triaged or investigated and based on the outcome and analyst insights, exclusions and whitelisting is conducted, reducing future false positives.
7. Forensic analysis
A single computer may contain millions of files, these contain images, text files, binaries, compressed and potentially encrypted files.
Forensic analysis, like threat hunting, can be well assisted using AI, image categorization, translations, pattern recognition, anomaly detection, language processing are some of the relevant capabilities.
The SOC unfortunately has not yet enjoyed the potential benefits of AI in computer forensics, these capabilities, will have to be incorporated in commercial tools and proved in courts in order to impact computer forensics which, by its nature and limitations (forensically sound) advances slower than Cyber security.
8. Automation
The SOC has been advancing automation for a decade, starting with scheduled scripts and evolving to the “Gartner coined” SOAR (security orchestration automation and response) in 2017.
SOAR as a full-fledged system failed to be adopted by SOCs as it required programing skills and cumbersome playbook creation. SOARs were either incorporated in the large vendors SIEMs (Splunk – Phantom, PaloAltoNetworks – Demisto, Google – Siemplify, Microsoft – Logic Apps) or reinvented as low code / no code systems that also leverage ML and AI.
The next generation SOAR allows the SOC to easily create playbooks using natural language, supporting analysts and lowering the bar for automation usage, for BDO MDR, automation closes 40%-60% of the incidents using deduplication and automatic triage.
Future evolutions may create playbooks based on analysts’ behaviors and operational procedures, these will definitely be reliant on AI language processing and pattern recognition.
AI and ML are changing detection and response, some changes, like vendor incident creation, are reducing SOC interactions as SIEM vendors are creating the incidents and the SOC is triaging and responding, those incidents, once based on manual rule creation only, are now being developed by the vendors and using ML capabilities. Other changes like automation, are increasing SOC interactions as the barriers to create playbooks are dissolving due to low code / no code and natural language capabilities.
As the adversaries are also using AI, questions remain regarding the SOC detection response improvement, as shifting to ML / AI detection does not necessarily means better detection, however, it does mean, detection content and visibility beyond your local SIEM SOC team capabilities as the advanced ML detection is now a part of the SIEM / XDR vendor portfolio.
Did AI revolutionize the SOC? Not yet.
Will AI revolutionize the SOC? Yes, as the vendors improve ROI of AI in detection response.