BDO is launching a new book:" Cybersecurity in the digital age: tools, techniques and best practices".
Cyber defense in the digital world has become a top priority for many organizations who expect their managers to be fully knowledgeable, up to date and to understand the high risks of cybersecurity.
BDO as a global firm provides cyber protection services, advice multiple organizations around the world, and it has recently compiled some of the most leading insights about the subject in the book: "Cyber Defense in the Digital Age: tools, skills and best practices".
BDO Israel has a remarkable presence in the field of cyber security and three chapters of the book were written by three of her senior executives: Ophir Zilbiger, Danny Solomon & Dori Fisher.
Ophir Zilbiger, Partner and Director of BDO's Israel cyber security Center, wrote about the transformation from the era of information protection to cyber protection nowadays.
Dori Fisher, Director of cyber security services at BDO Israel's cyber security center, wrote about the exposure of cyber-attacks and ways to detect and response.
Danny Salomon, Head of international operations at BDO Israel's cyber security center, wrote about the principles of building and managing cyber Resilience.
The book is enrich with unique aspects and insights of few of the most known experts in the cyber security field and allows the readers to be exposed to new methods and improve the cyber defense in the organization they work in.
The book was launched by Gregory Garrett, head of cyber protection at BDO USA, and it aims to increase knowledge amongst those who are related to this industry in all levels and can be implemented immediately. The book presents insights in multiple fields such as Cyber security in the digital age, cyber security approach for executives and directors, valuating and monitoring cyber security risks, cyber security defense in the health care industry, cyber security defense in the finance field and more.
Copies of Cybersecurity in the Digital Age can be ordered from Wolters Kluwer, and from Amazon.
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