The Manufacturing Industry is overgoing a technological transformation that is changing the future of the industry. The Industry is still in its early steps of adopting digital data, digital connectivity and digital processing. Digital transformation has brought significant changes to all key areas of the manufacturing processes including performance analytics, the agility of research and development and in many cases has also brought changes into organisational structure and revenue generation streams.
In 2015, Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum has introduced the phrase "Forth Industrial Revolution" and what has been called Industry 4.0, describing the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using smart technologies. Since then digital transformation initiatives have
fostered another phrase "Smart Factory" describing modular structured factories with cyber-physical systems, decentralised monitoring, decision making and communication over and with iOT devices.1
The European Union Networked Information Security Agency (ENISA) defines Industry 4.0 as a "paradigm shift towards digitalised, integrated and smart value chains enabling distributed decision-making in production by incorporating new cyber-physical technologies such as IoT".2
Core manufacturing challenges are being successfully tackled by adopting a digital mindset, technologies, processes and changing the way people interact and work within that echo-system. Adopting new technologies has improved the levels of productivity by solving process inefficiencies, reducing costs and innovating new development and revenue sources.
MDR on the bar - join us for a casual event that will be dedicated to trends in the MDR fields, how to manage real time cyber events, automation and more.
Wednesday | 27.10.2021 | 18: 30-21: 00 | Dizzy Bar, Tel Aviv