Rethink Fintech - UK

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The UK is a global hub for Fintech companies, with London as its epicentre. As the Pandemic unfolded during the first half of 2020, it has been inspiring to follow how Fintech companies across the country have adapted to the impact of Covid-19. It has been a testament to the UK’s ability to innovate in the face of adversity, and has served as an opportunity for Fintech companies to showcase their abilities and innovative solutions to a wider audience of potential customers - who are increasingly focussed on services such as contactless payments and mobile banking. As we slowly move towards the ‘new normal’, UK Fintech companies find themselves in an opportune position. Since the early days of Covid-19, customers and financial institutions have been extra geared toward using the types of digital solutions that Fintechs provide. Those who do not adapt to changing customer demands through increased digital transformation will likely find themselves left behind.

Find out more in our Fintech UK snapshot.