Lihie Iuclea

Lihie Iuclea

BDO Israel's ESG department leader

Corporate responsibility, environment and sustainability | Corporate responsibility, environment and sustainability


Executive summary


Lihie Iuclea is an environmental engineer with expertise in advanced environmental regulation development and implementation in the area of industrial pollution, marine environments, and environmental resources. She also has experience in project management and consulting for government agencies and private institutions in and outside Israel.

Ms. Iuclea led the project of applying environmental regulation to large-scale industrial plants and implementing international legislation in Israel in the areas of integrated regulation and the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTS, or MIFLAS in Hebrew). Under the Barcelona Convention of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), she led the national plan for reducing marine emissions from land sources in Israel and in the Balkan states, and the update of the regional plan for the Mediterranean Basin in the area of reducing marine pollution from sewage treatment facilities. In recent years, she has also engaged in business development management outside Israel, to develop new markets and identify business opportunities



Ms. Iuclea holds an M.A. degree in Marine Resource Management from Ruppin Academic Center, and a B.Sc. degree in Environmental Management from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion.