Hani Amar
Over the past decade, considerable importance has been attached to efficiency activities of the internal audit department at organizations. This is reflected in a series of regulatory circulars necessitating a periodic process to assess audit quality, including: the Government Companies Authority, Supervisor of Banks, the Capital Market, Supervision and Savings Division at the Finance Ministry, and the Health Ministry with respect to sick funds.
In addition, a professional standard from the international IIA prescribes that each internal audit department conduct, once every 5 years, a quality assessment review (QAR) to assure audit quality. The review is to be conducted by an authorized and autonomous party, external to the organization, alongside an internal assessment by the chief internal auditor.
The QAR, conducted by a team of experts from Risk Advisory Services (RAS) at BDO Consulting Group, is a significant process comprising a methodical, professional and independent review of the organization's internal audit system, as a consequence of which decisions are made in order to enhance audit quality.
The QAR's key targets are to test the degree to which the internal audit's objectives are attained, assess to what extent they are effective and useful, analyze expectation gaps regarding their purpose (reasons and causes) and offer recommendations for improving the internal audit's function relating thereto (Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Management, etc.).
Hani Amar