

Eurasia Desk was launched at the beginning of 2011, in cooperation with BDO's local offices in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.  Over the years and across multiple projects, Eurasia Desk acquired extensive experience in building high quality and diverse ties with economic offices and major business corporations in those countries.

The business partnership with BDO Georgia, the veteran from among the three, produced a continuous and close relationship with the government investment fund, JSC Partnership Fund, which encourages investments for establishing industrial enterprises in the country.

Georgia, which until less than a decade ago, had to struggle with a deep economic crisis,  has over the past few years become an emerging nation with a strong growth potential.

At present, Georgia's economy offers a diversity of investment opportunities, especially in industry, agriculture, tourism, energy and finance.  It has in recent years become a tourism hub and investor-friendly, offering particularly low tax rates, eliminating bureaucratic barriers, rapid approval processes and providing government assistance in locating real estate, local investors and long-term funding sources.

Against this background, the Desk assists the government investment fund by  providing business and economic consulting services in various fields: economic analysis for feasibility studies and valuations, guidance in establishing investor groups, investment banking and assistance with debt raising.

Eurasia Desk nurtures the broad business networks developed in these countries so as to locate potential local partners and connect them with Israeli and other companies, for investments in joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, or any other business activity.  The Desk provides a comprehensive one-stop-shop including business consulting and development alongside legal and accounting services, customized to meet clients' needs and adapted to the sector in which they operate.

Eurasia Desk's Services

  • Economic feasibility studies
  • Due diligence reviews
  • Valuations
  • Market analysis
  • Developing business strategies and formulating marketing plans
  • Raising capital from institutional and/or private entities - local and/or international
  • Utilizing state benefits
  • Setting up management systems
  • Negotiation guidance and consulting from business aspect
  • Assistance and support with work vis-à-vis auditing and legal firms

Desk's Clients:

  • Government investment funds
  • Government offices (economics, development, education, energy and more)
  • Private – local investment funds
  • Foreign – private investment funds
  • Local companies – private and public
  • Israeli companies operating in Eurasian countries
  • Foreign companies operating in Eurasian countries

Funding Bodies:

Adva Balmas

Adva Balmas

Partner, Head of Haifa Hub, Deal Advisory
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