Options & Personal Tax

Options & Personal Tax

The Options and Personal Tax Department manages a large number of individuals’ files, placing special emphasis on the needs of the individual tax payer. The Department handles three primary areas of personal tax: options and incentives to employees, individual taxation, and the taxation of pensions and retirement benefits.
The Options and Personal Tax Department is comprised of experienced accountants and tax consultants in the field. The Department is headed by Adi Shalom, CPA and Certified Tax Consultant, who has more than a decade of experience in the options and personal tax field.

Options and Incentives for Employees:

  • The Options and Personal Tax Department plans, guides and handles different types of option plans. The Department provides services to many officers of public companies, both within and outside the circle of the Firm’s clients. 

Personal Tax:

  • The Options and Personal Tax Department manages a large number of files on behalf of individuals who are market leaders in their field,  Most of these individuals are controlling shareholders and/or managers in top market companies, mainly public companies, and are not necessarily audit clients of the Firm.

  • In providing personal tax services, the Department places an emphasis on the unique attributes of the individual tax payer, which oftentimes are overshadowed by the interests of the company.

  • Guiding of transactions with controlling shareholders, including sales, allocations, etc.

  • Filing of personal tax returns and capital declarations.

  • Guiding assessments and handling discussions with the tax authorities.

  • Examination of social security aspects and handling the refund of social security fees paid in excess.

Taxation of Pensions and Retirement Benefits:

  • Review of tax aspects upon deposit and/or retirement of employees or controlling shareholders. 

  • Obtaining of pre-rulings from the Income Tax Commissioner in respect of extraordinary deposits/withdrawals, including the future receipt of a pension.  

Adi Shalom

Adi Shalom

Partner, Head of the Options and Personal Tax Department
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