Environmental Management Assimilation

Civil, communication and regulatory awakening on environmental issues proves that every organization must establish environmental management in its work.  Environmental management aims to improve operational efficiency measures  (including saving on raw materials, reducing energy and water consumption) and thereby reduce raw material costs.  Additionally, a comprehensive environmental management of the organization's operations will contribute to better preparation for  regulatory compliance, geared towards achieving a competitive advantage for the organization whilst enhancing the stakeholder's confidence in its goals and products.

BDO Israel Group offers clients comprehensive assistance in assimilating environmental management, starting from the identification of significant issues for the corporation and monitoring its performance, onward to developing corporate policy and procedures, and ending in the establishment of work processes and assimilation of cross organizational efficiency measures. These processes include guidance in integrating corporate responsibility in purchases, management and controls, ISO14001, application of innovative standards (IS 10000, LCA, carbon footprint, environmental management (ESRM) IS 50001), mechanisms for materials regulation management, corporate and environmental management, SA8000, and evaluating the effectiveness of community investment.

The Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Group has been and is providing  guidance to numerous clients from diverse sectors in environmental efficiency performance. These include: Teva, Mekoroth, Bank Disount, Skylax Indigo, Damari, Ituran, Ministry for Protection of the Environment, Ministry of Finance, HP Corporation, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, and more.

Our Services:

  • Evaluating significant environmental impacts, whilst addressing inherent issues for the sector and field of activity,  identifying best practices, testing inter-organizational environmental performance, identifying stakeholders' expectations.
  • Environmental and social risk management – testing risks likely to pose a threat to  the corporation's reputation, whilst addressing material influential areas concerned with core business activity.
  • Corporate environmental management – based on strategic environmental evaluation, establishment of an organizational structure, characterizing and defining performance indices and setting long-term goals, drafting work procedures, creating a reporting infrastructure and performance control, guidance in certification towards IS 14001.
  • Environmental reporting – to local and international entities such as: the Securities Authority, Israel Greenhouse Gases Report and Registration System, CDP, international analysts, response to clients questions (overseas), etc.
  • Confronting climate change – carbon footprint analysis, guidance in developing climate strategy, assessment of multi-year potential and targets, development of management and employee awareness, assistance with planning and implementing initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Energy consumption management – analysis of energy profile in the organization's work, setting multi-year policies and goals, analysis and assimilation of measurement systems, assistance with obtaining grants for energy efficiency purposes, energy management process control
  • Guidance with green purchasing – combining environmental parameters with procurement through cost-benefit analyses (environmental and economic), to establish cross-organizational work practices, which are instrumental in  assimilating environmental thinking with procurement.
Chen Herzog

Chen Herzog

Partner, Chief Economist of BDO Consulting Israel
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