Anat Bernstein Reich
Every company has this moment: management is facing a business crossroads of an initiated acquisition or investment that can completely change the face of the company, its revenue, and its future. This is the money time of the CEO and the CFO. It is precisely for these processes that we are here.
Our economics and finance consultants offer clients unrivaled experience in leading dozens of significant investment processes and deep knowledge in the most complex merger and acquisition processes in Israel and around the world, from locating and initiating through economic and business testing and financing methods to successful completion.
Our experts in the Economics and Finance at BDO Consulting know how to proactively monitor every transaction: from locating the investment and examining its viability, through analyzing the market and the industry on all regulatory and economic aspects to closing the financing, performing valuations, and providing accounting advice after the merger, Or the purchase. We know that no two transactions are the same, so in each transaction, the Economics and Finance Division forms a dedicated team of experts to accompany the transaction, with professional and industry expertise, together with the company management from an overall perspective and a solid macroeconomic perspective based on extensive business and financial experience. The close relationship with the economic and financial consulting teams at BDO branches around the world allows us to accompany international transactions successfully, using digital tools to collect and present the findings to the customer throughout the process.
BDO Consulting’s unique knowledge provides management with economic policy analyzes at the national and global level, industry forecasts and in-depth macroeconomic studies leading to sound medium- and long-term strategic decisions. Leading the transactions and accompanying the projects by our experts also ensures the tailoring of a suitable financing solution and the construction of complex financial models.
Anat Bernstein Reich
Chen Herzog
Moti Dattelkramer
Sagiv Mizrahi
Adva Balmas
Yuval Eliaz
Omri Halevi
Ilan Maor
Chana Salomon